Have a Ridiculously Delicious Spoonful of Cashew Curry Tahini - JEM Organics

Have a Ridiculously Delicious Spoonful of Cashew Curry Tahini

Introducing, Cashew Curry Tahini by Jem.

Sold exclusively online at JemOrganics.com as of today, Cashew Curry Tahini Nut Butter by Jem, both Sprouted and Unroasted. Experience a familiar yellow curry taste packing a punch at the end of a ridiculously delicious creamy cashew and sesame seed spoonful. You'll want another dip. We promise. 

    • Unroasted Cashews, Unroasted Sesame Seeds, Coconut Sugar, Curry Powder, Pink Himalayan Salt
    • Low Sugar, OTC-USDA Certified Organic, Truly Raw, Non-Irradiated, Unpasteurized, Low Glycemic, Mineral Dense Coconut Sugar, Low Sodium, high in Iron, high in copper, Natural Anti-Inflammatory, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Healthy Fat, Antioxidants and Dietary Fiber 

While our traditional Jems are healthy, indulgent sweet spreads, Cashew Curry Tahini is the perfect savory delight drizzled over:

  • grilled vegetables (green beans, shallots, garlic cloves, red peppers, and mushrooms)
  • a warm kale salad with olive oil and extra salt and black pepper 
  • roasted cauliflower with garlic, shallots, EVOO, and salt and pepper
  • yellow curry –– made with Cashew Curry Tahini by Jem
  • over steamy white jasmine or brown rice
  • soft boiled eggs halved and still warm sprinkled with salt and cracked pepper
  • and of course, straight from the jar with a spoon!

    View our photos below for more recipe inspiration with this ridiculously delicious savory spread. Stock up while the first small batch is still available here! 

    The Jem Organic Nut Butter Team


    Shop our sprouted, stone ground, organic, vegan, gluten-free Jem Butters online now!

    cashew curry tahini jem raw organics nut almond butter

    Cashew Curry Tahini, 6oz, available exclusively online 10/6/16

    cashew curry tahini jem raw organics nut almond butter

    Cashew Curry Tahini drizzled over grilled vegetables (green beans, shallots, garlic cloves, red peppers, and mushrooms) with fresh chopped coriander. 

    cashew curry tahini jem raw organics nut almond butter

    Simmer your homemade yellow curry –– made with Cashew Curry Tahini by Jem. 

    cashew curry tahini jem raw organics nut almond butter

    Pour Cashew Curry Tahini over steamy white jasmine or brown rice and dig in. We even add a little salt on top or freshly chopped coriander. 

    cashew curry tahini jem raw organics nut almond butter

    If you're not sure about cooking with Jem, top your curry with a drizzle of Cashew Curry Tahini to make your stash last even longer. 

    cashew curry tahini jem raw organics nut almond butter

    Soft boil farm fresh eggs, halve them and drizzle away. Add extra salt and cracked pepper. Or, go the extra mile and use Cashew Curry Tahini instead of mayo for deviled eggs. It's devilishly good.